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Explaining Varsha Ritu as per Ayurveda

Rain or Monsoon triggers different feelings in different people. Some think of the freshness in the air, the cool winds, the wet damp smell of the earth and a weather that is perfect for a hot cup of tea with dollops of romance! But for others, it is a weather that brings in dark clouds, depression, floods and diseases. Let's understand how Ayurveda perceives Monsoon or the Varsha Ritu.

According to Ayurveda, Varsha Ritu falls in the Visarga Kaal (Southern Solstice) in the month of Shravan and Bhadrapada (mid-July to mid-September). The heat that gets accumulated in the Earth gets released when the Sun goes down and it pours in the form of rain. But during this season, almost all Doshas go out of balance and that is the reason why Ayurveda strongly recommends seasonal purification practices or Panchakarma during the rainy season.

Once again, the digestive fire or Agni weakens during the Monsoon, causing diseases related to digestion. Ayurveda describes aggravation of Vata Dosha in Varsha Ritu, so the food and lifestyle should be such that it helps in balancing the vitiated Vata.

Diet to follow:

  • Food that is light and fresh, which includes preparations made from barley, rice and wheat.

  • Food that is warm and freshly cooked should be eaten. Uncooked vegetables and salads should be avoided.

  • Drinking boiled water with a dash of honey, or sipping on hot and herbal tea is ideal for this season.

  • Avoid curd or ice cream as they can cause flu and fever. One may take buttermilk instead of curd.

  • Avoid drinking excess fluids at this time as this further slows down the metabolism.

  • Increased intake of sweet, sour and salty food is recommended.

  • People tend to overeat or eat a lot of junk and fried food during the rainy season. This can lead to weight-gain and lethargy.

Lifestyle to follow:

  • Ayurvedic Panchakarma or detoxification of the body.

  • Avoid sleeping in the daytime.

  • Avoid exerting yourself, as it will lower the metabolism rate.

  • Keep your surroundings dry and not let rain water accumulate near you.

  • Oil massage followed by a warm water bath regularly is recommended.

  • Avoid getting wet in rain, as your body is susceptible to diseases and flu in this season.

  • Always wear dry clothes. Dampness breeds fungal and bacterial infections.

If the above-mentioned diet and lifestyle is followed during the Monsoon, one can do their best to balance the body and mind. This can also avoid a Vata imbalance, which is common during this season. One tends to get lazy and follow a diet which is unhealthy during the Monsoon, so light workouts and Asanas are also recommended.

Next up we will talk about Sharath Ritu. Until then keep following us and stay healthy!

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